Mangalagiri also known as Mangalaladri or thothadri is one of the Most historic towns of the Andhra Pradesh located 16.4349° N latitude, 80.5688 E longitude between Vijayawada and Guntur . It is just 13.7 KM away from the VIJAYAWADA and 19 KM away from Guntur. Mangalagiri is one of the NAVA NARASIMHA SKHETHRAS of Andhra Pradesh. Mangalagiri is the only city in Andhra Pradesh which contains 2 Vaishnavite temples with a Shivalayam in between them. Lord Lakshmi Narasimha Temple exists at the bottom of the mangalagiri hill Mukti Parvatham or Mangalaladri parvatham (appears like a sitting elephant). Lord Panakala lakshmi narasimha swamy resides at the middle of the hill. PANAKALA LAKSHMI NARASIMHA SWAMY TEMPLE Overlook of the Panakala Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Temple, mangalagiri LORD PANAKALA LAKSHMI NARASIMHA is the deity resides at the mid of the hill named Mukti Parvatham. Ghat road as well as steps are available for the pilgrims. ...
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